TugAway Toys and CUWIN Shelties are a family owned cottage industry located in southeast Wisconsin, U.S.A.

We create a variety of high quality merchandise for you and your dogs needs.

All of our products are made by us in our home and are created and tested with care to meet the needs of people who love to play with their dogs.

Cuwin came about through our desire to "C (see) u (you) win" with your dogs, not just in competition but by making every day a winning one.

To help you do this, you need great agility products and first class toys to TugAway!

Photo credit for homepage photos goes to http://iimphotos.com/

Return Policy: In the event a TugAwayCuwin product needs to be returned we will send a shipping label for the return shipping on a per case basis.

Refund Policy: Refunds will be made on the product price only after the item(s) have been delivered to our shop. Shipping to your location will not be refunded.

Please contact us if you have any questions.